10-20-2017, 03:15 PM
(10-20-2017, 02:03 PM)KevinL Wrote: For some reason certain intersections have not had their lights replaces even when all directions of the surrounding streets have. Is there a difference in hardware, or power configuration?
I believe the issue here is the Region just brought on new standards a few years ago to add additional illumination to new and upgraded signalized intersections right on the metal traffic light poles, which are owned by the Region and not the hydro utilities. I would assume it's an administrative matter between having the hydro companies own the standard street light and hydro poles, and the Region owning the metal traffic light poles. In this process, some of these street lights on the new metal traffic light poles did not get picked up in the GIS tracker (which the contractor is likely using and strictly going off as per the contract) because the street light location data for the GIS were provided by the hydro utilities, not the Region. That's my guess.