Happy to announce that the Region continues to not care about costs or timelines, like all other Canadian levels of government. I guess we can expect the east-west Victoria St line in 2060 or so?
Quote:At least seven years before LRT Stage 2 begins
The region did endorse the second stage route for the LRT to extend it 17.5 km’s and add seven new stops from the Fairway Station to downtown Cambridge. The region is just starting its initial business case for Stage 2 to establish who will do the work.
"It will quantify the costs and broader community benefits for the project and will provide regional council with a recommended alternative and form the basis of funding requests from the provincial and federal government," O’Neil said. "The initial business case is looking at LRT along that route. Other alternatives include shortened versions of LRT as well as a Cambridge Only LRT. The initial business case will also look at Bus Rapid Transit or BRT, along the same preferred route, also with dedicated exclusive lanes.”
The region will be providing updates on the construction phases as they begin. O’Neil said despite the headache it can cause for drivers, it’s needed work to improve the community.
"The Region is going to grow to more than a million people by 2051, and it's very important that we plan for that growth, that we bring it to the urban areas and we offer people options for transportation. We cannot continue building roads and widening roads forever," O’Neil said.
local cambridge weirdo