04-17-2021, 07:24 PM
What people do in their private time seems to be one of the main causes of what's going on right now. So how do we combat this pandemic apathy? Recently in Grey Bruce, there has been a massive community outbreak due to illegal high school bush parties and they announced that every single person living in Grey Bruce should assume they have Covid-19 because close to 100 kids are now positive and spreading it even more. You have to be a complete nihilist to go attend a massive bush party in the middle of a pandemic, so the issue is..how do we deal with people that just don't care? I don't know whether it's possible. It feels like we've been beaten by this in a way, and now we're just trying to tolerate it while we wait for enough people to get vaccinated and hope that will pull of us out of this quicksand we're sinking in.