11-18-2016, 11:11 PM
Development Charges for Transit and Waste Management
1. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the Development Charge
Background Study dated August 15, 2016 as amended, including the capital
program contained in the study, for the purpose of complying with Section 10 of the
Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended;
2. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, having considered the input provided
by the public and stakeholders regarding the development charge rates as
calculated in the Background Study, and regarding various policy and
implementation matters, take the following action with respect to Regional
Development Charges and incorporate such action in the amended Regional
Development Charges By-law as applicable as set out in Report COR-FSD-16-32,
dated November 22, 2016:
a. Approve the residential development charge rates for Waste Management
in the amended Development Charge by-law at the rates set out in Table A1
in Appendix A on a Region-wide basis;
b. Approve the non-residential development charge rates for Waste
Management in the amended Development Charge by-law at the rates set
out in Table A2 in Appendix A on a Region-wide basis;
c. Approve the residential development charge rates for Transit in the
amended Development Charge by-law at the rates set out in Table A1 in
Appendix A on a Region-wide basis;
d. Approve the non-residential development charge rates for Transit in the
amended Development Charge by-law at the rates set out in Table A2 in
Appendix A on a Region-wide basis;
e. Apply the existing downtown core exemption to Transit and Waste
Management development charges provided that the lower-tier municipality
provides for the same exemption until January 1, 2018, at which point such
charges shall become payable;
f. Approve the proposed amending By-law, as set out in Appendix C with an
effective date of January 1, 2017;
3. That Regional Council determine that no further public meeting is necessary in
order to consider the changes made to the proposed amendments to the
Development Charge by-law, pursuant to Section 12 of the Development Charges
Act, 1997; and
4. That staff be directed to prepare amendments to the preliminary 2017-2026 Waste
Management and Transit capital programs and the preliminary 2017 Tax
Supported Operating Budget as required in accordance with the above noted
recommendations, and submit such proposed amendments to the Budget
Committee for consideration as part of the Region of Waterloo’s 2017 Budget
1. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo approve the Development Charge
Background Study dated August 15, 2016 as amended, including the capital
program contained in the study, for the purpose of complying with Section 10 of the
Development Charges Act, 1997, as amended;
2. That the Regional Municipality of Waterloo, having considered the input provided
by the public and stakeholders regarding the development charge rates as
calculated in the Background Study, and regarding various policy and
implementation matters, take the following action with respect to Regional
Development Charges and incorporate such action in the amended Regional
Development Charges By-law as applicable as set out in Report COR-FSD-16-32,
dated November 22, 2016:
a. Approve the residential development charge rates for Waste Management
in the amended Development Charge by-law at the rates set out in Table A1
in Appendix A on a Region-wide basis;
b. Approve the non-residential development charge rates for Waste
Management in the amended Development Charge by-law at the rates set
out in Table A2 in Appendix A on a Region-wide basis;
c. Approve the residential development charge rates for Transit in the
amended Development Charge by-law at the rates set out in Table A1 in
Appendix A on a Region-wide basis;
d. Approve the non-residential development charge rates for Transit in the
amended Development Charge by-law at the rates set out in Table A2 in
Appendix A on a Region-wide basis;
e. Apply the existing downtown core exemption to Transit and Waste
Management development charges provided that the lower-tier municipality
provides for the same exemption until January 1, 2018, at which point such
charges shall become payable;
f. Approve the proposed amending By-law, as set out in Appendix C with an
effective date of January 1, 2017;
3. That Regional Council determine that no further public meeting is necessary in
order to consider the changes made to the proposed amendments to the
Development Charge by-law, pursuant to Section 12 of the Development Charges
Act, 1997; and
4. That staff be directed to prepare amendments to the preliminary 2017-2026 Waste
Management and Transit capital programs and the preliminary 2017 Tax
Supported Operating Budget as required in accordance with the above noted
recommendations, and submit such proposed amendments to the Budget
Committee for consideration as part of the Region of Waterloo’s 2017 Budget
Everyone move to the back of the bus and we all get home faster.