Haha. I can't tell if you lot are trolling or something. You must be, yeah? I mean I don't know who would unironically try to take an honest stance against sexism by clicking the first Urban Dictionary (lol, lmao even) definition that comes up on Google and acting like it is a valid linguistic and etymological definition of a word and going on the offence with that. Just for that I have to assume you're just taking the piss since I believe you're all fairly grown up here and know that this is not how things work.
In order to see "a butchers term for a slab of meat with a hole in it" as your definition of woman it takes a couple scrolls down on UD, so by associating broad/women/a butchers term for a slab of meat with a hole in it as one in the same I think that says a lot more about others than it does about me as you need to specifically seek out what I assume you believe to be the worst "definition".
To me and I think 99% of others who use that word these days, the word broad is like the word dick. It's just a word that gets thrown around when you want to make a point. Additionally, they (amongst countless others) are words that get thrown around by...well...everyone. You ever go to a bar in a working class area? Go visit some in the industrial areas of Cambridge, or the Hamilton docklands. There are no safe spaces to retreat to, mind you. Now unless your shoe size exceeds your IQ I don't truly believe any of you actually assumed you thought I was trying to make a hateful jab at women by using it. If I call someone a dickhead it isn't because I'm a misandrist. It's just a word you use to emphasize a point. In this case: that Debbie Chapman is a useless fool.
Even though this isn't Reddit and there aren't updoots, some do feel compelled to tip the fedora, I guess, but I'd rather just try to talk about buildings and urban things. Otherwise, click UserCP and navigate to Buddy/Ignore List. Or just grow up a bit and learn to not take words you read on a screen so seriously, so you don't derail threads over nothing. :^)
In order to see "a butchers term for a slab of meat with a hole in it" as your definition of woman it takes a couple scrolls down on UD, so by associating broad/women/a butchers term for a slab of meat with a hole in it as one in the same I think that says a lot more about others than it does about me as you need to specifically seek out what I assume you believe to be the worst "definition".
To me and I think 99% of others who use that word these days, the word broad is like the word dick. It's just a word that gets thrown around when you want to make a point. Additionally, they (amongst countless others) are words that get thrown around by...well...everyone. You ever go to a bar in a working class area? Go visit some in the industrial areas of Cambridge, or the Hamilton docklands. There are no safe spaces to retreat to, mind you. Now unless your shoe size exceeds your IQ I don't truly believe any of you actually assumed you thought I was trying to make a hateful jab at women by using it. If I call someone a dickhead it isn't because I'm a misandrist. It's just a word you use to emphasize a point. In this case: that Debbie Chapman is a useless fool.
Even though this isn't Reddit and there aren't updoots, some do feel compelled to tip the fedora, I guess, but I'd rather just try to talk about buildings and urban things. Otherwise, click UserCP and navigate to Buddy/Ignore List. Or just grow up a bit and learn to not take words you read on a screen so seriously, so you don't derail threads over nothing. :^)