06-07-2023, 12:06 AM
It's one thing to suggest to close the encampments for safety. It's a valid concern. However, most of the homeless and/or addict population do not actively go out of their way to harm regular people. And if safety is really this councillors concern, then what about the safety of those sleeping rough or abusing illicit drugs cut with god knows what? We definitely need to get rid of the encampments because they are unsightly and dangerous in their own way (danger to those living in them, public health safety etc) but unless there are options to solve the issues that cause them in the first place, closing them does nothing. Those homeless are still going to be out there living life their own way. To say the safety of families and children walking to school is his concern then he's just being a classist asshole, as - to me anyway - that implies he sees those suffering from homelessness, mental/physical health problems and substance abuse issues as lesser people.