02-06-2023, 02:31 PM
(02-06-2023, 10:11 AM)the_conestoga_guy Wrote: Honestly, the Region could get, like, 90% of the way there by investing in buses and bus-priority traffic signal upgrades. It wouldn't be as flashy as a new subway, but having reliable 5-10 minute headways on every bus route in the city would do more to shift the mode-share than a single rapid transit project and it could be had for a fraction of the cost. Plus, once there's a significant mode share, it's a lot easier to advocate for bus-only lanes and the like.
It was sort of a rhetorical question but also one that encouraged people to think outside their biases.
I think that it's because driving is too easy. We should absolutely have better transit. But driving, and parking in particular, needs to be harder. Pretty sure that's what the literature says about mode shift. I have personally made the decision to bike to places rather than drive, in the past, because parking was too much of a pain. That works best when the destination is enough of a draw.