Waterloo Region Connected
199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C (/showthread.php?tid=480)

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RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - tomh009 - 06-26-2021

It does already look better than the building behind it!

RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - nms - 06-28-2021

Has construction stalled on this? I have passed this corner many times since April, and there does not seem to be much movement.

RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - Spokes - 07-09-2021

That picture looks soviet era level of depressing

RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - nms - 07-10-2021

Driving by on Thursday, there appeared to be work happening on the second floor.

RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - ac3r - 07-10-2021

(07-09-2021, 09:39 PM)Spokes Wrote: That picture looks soviet era level of depressing

Same, especially with that weird building behind it on Lester Street: https://www.google.com/maps/@43.4715029,-80.532437,3a,75y,213.91h,126.77t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s3DGfNjTuFvtVZwQQHXIqnQ!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D3DGfNjTuFvtVZwQQHXIqnQ%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D13.554778%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192

RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - Lebronj23 - 08-11-2021


RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - CP42 - 10-15-2021

It appears they are on the 15th out of 24 floors. It already has quite the presence on this corner. 

RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - Chris - 10-15-2021

(10-15-2021, 12:46 AM)CP42 Wrote: It appears they are on the 15th out of 24 floors. It already has quite the presence on this corner. 

That is going to tower over everything on that corner.

Side note. I like how using the magnifying glass in Imgur makes the image smaller. Good UX over there. Tongue
ETA: Oh weird, I put the image on a different monitor and it does bet bigger. Maybe Imgur wants me to buy a new display.

RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - tomh009 - 10-15-2021

(10-15-2021, 12:46 AM)CP42 Wrote: It appears they are on the 15th out of 24 floors. It already has quite the presence on this corner. 

Hi CP42, if you use imgur (or similar service), could you then embed the image (using the image button) so that it's not necessary to click through the link? Like this:

[Image: FCh7W8R.jpeg]

RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - cherrypark - 10-15-2021

As much as the coloured spandrel in this area is a little tacky, I will gladly take that over the varied tones of depression on the other uni rental towers back on Lester.

RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - Lebronj23 - 10-19-2021

(10-15-2021, 06:19 PM)cherrypark Wrote: As much as the coloured spandrel in this area is a little tacky, I will gladly take that over the varied tones of depression on the other uni rental towers back on Lester.

I was driving up Uni and saw this and said what the hell is that?! It is really making a presence. Although I can already see it’s abundance of exposed concrete that will likely stay on the exterior finish, like many of the uni buildings. Let’s hope this one isn’t dreadful

RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - CP42 - 11-18-2021

Looks to be done 18 floors - 6 more to go.

[Image: 3u2IKeb.jpg]

RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - Watdot - 12-13-2021

December 13, 2021

[Image: 20211213-125239-resized.jpg]

RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - CP42 - 12-26-2021

There is a big sign out front now for Accomod8u, which doesn’t have the greatest reputation among student rental agencies.


RE: 199-205 Albert St | 81m | 24 fl | U/C - CP42 - 03-10-2022

All the cladding is up and the crane is being disassembled.